The Nature Conservancy and T-Mobile are partnering to help restore our forests, one of the most important ecosystems on earth.
T-Mobile Customers Choose Projects to Support for Earth Day
On April 20, 2021 customers using the T-Mobile Tuesdays app voted on how T-Mobile’s $300,000 donation* was directed across three of TNC's forest projects:
- Plant a Billion Trees - our forest restoration effort with a goal of planting a billion trees across the planet to help curb climate change and sustain crucial ecosystems.
Old Growth Trees
at the Woodbourne Forest Preserve.
© George C. Gress

Tree Seedlings
Ready for planting as part of TNC's Plant a Billion Trees campaign.
© David Bowman
Old Growth Trees
at the Woodbourne Forest Preserve.
© George C. Gress
Tree Seedlings
Ready for planting as part of TNC's Plant a Billion Trees campaign.
© David Bowman
- The Family Forest Carbon Program - with American Forest Foundation, our program to help connect family forest owners with trusted policymakers and companies to bring economic stimulus to rural communities by awarding carbon credits for implementing carbon-positive forest management practices.
- Living with Fire - our program that develops and implements mitigation strategies such as controlled burns to restore health and diversity to natural lands.

TNC and T-Mobile's Long-Standing Partnership
Since 2018, T-Mobile has contributed over $1.2 million to TNC while unlocking an additional $600k+ in matching grants and customer donations. Through past #TreeMobile campaigns, they have also helped plant 27,000 trees to date with TNC’s Plant a Billion Trees program.
* A portion of the donation will go toward administration of the mission of The Nature Conservancy.