

View looking up toward the tops of several glass skyscrapers.
Reports View and download some of our latest research. © Dr. Makete Lab

Can people and nature thrive together? Our science says yes.

Download and view our latest research and real-world solutions to some of the planet’s most pressing issues today, including climate change, food and water security, and city growth.


  • Report cover with a photo of a frog at the edge of a pond positioned under the report title.

    Executive Summary

    October 2024

    Designing and Managing Protected and Conserved Areas to Support Inland Water Ecosystems and Biodiversity | The report serves as a reference for parties with a vested interest in bending the curve of inland waters biodiversity loss. 

  • A report cover with a split image of an aerial view of an arid and mountainous area with housing development and an image of a person's hands holding a rooted seedling.

    Roots of Resilience

    September 2024

    Using Trees to Mitigate Rising Heat in Arid, Frontline Communities | This study assessed 61 arid or semi-arid cities around the world to determine the potential cooling benefits that more trees could provide.

  • Community Benefits through Jurisdictional REDD+

    Tuning In

    August 2024

    The Tuning-In report seeks to highlight JREDD+ BSPs by analyzing case studies and common traits across operational benefit-sharing approaches.

  • Cover of the On the Edge fisheries report.

    On the Edge: 2024 Fisheries Report

    July 2024

    Exploring the use of edge computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to aid fishery managers in quickly accessing high-impact monitoring data.

  • Madurez organizacional pesquera | La Guía de evaluación de capacidades para organizaciones de pesca artesanal

    Madurez organizacional pesquera

    Julio 2024

    La Guía de evaluación de capacidades para organizaciones de pesca artesanal constituye una herramienta esencial para evaluar su capacidad de alcanzar los objetivos establecidos colectivamente a través de una comprensión profunda de las fortalezas y desafíos que enfrenta cada organización.

  • Cover of the Inland Fisheries Guide.

    Inland Fisheries Guide

    June 2024

    A practical guide that supports the implementation of the community-based co-management approach for inland fisheries.

  • Cover of the Article 6 Explainer document.

    Article 6 Explainer

    June 2024

    Questions and answers about the COP decisions on carbon markets and what they mean for NDCS, Nature and the Voluntary Carbon Markets.

  • Cover of the 2023 Protect report.

    People Are Key to Success

    May 2024

    Conservation is a legacy we build together. 2023 was a year of progress and people taking action around the world.

  • Cover of Nature Based benefits report.

    Nature-Based Multiple Benefits

    March 2024

    An Analysis of the Multiple Benefits of Seven Nature-Based Solutions Focused Corporate Watershed Projects

  • Cover of Coca-Cola Watershed Report.

    Approaches to Addressing Watershed Health

    March 2024

    This paper shows how companies can incorporate a watershed health approach into their business through a case study provided by The Coca-Cola Company.

  • Cover of the Valuing Grasslands report showing a closeup of a bent tree standing in a golden grassland with hills in the background.

    Valuing Grasslands

    February 2024

    Critical Ecosystems for Nature, Climate and People

  • Cover of Conservacion de biodiversidad de agua dulce en Amazonia peruana

    El portafolio de conservación de biodiversidad

    Mayo 2024

    El portafolio de conservación de biodiversidad (blueprint) es el resultado de un proceso de priorización de áreas para la conservación de ecosistemas de agua dulce en la Amazonía peruana.



  • Cover of the Accelerating Adaptation report: Aerial view looking straight down on a car driving over a bridge that spans many offshoots of a river.

    Accelerating Adaptation

    December 2023

    Explore the promise and limitations of nature-based solutions in the race to adapt to increased flooding and droughts.

  • Sunset on a Peruvian river.

    La planificación de infraestructura en el Perú

    noviembre 2023

    Este documento presenta los resultados más importantes de más de dos años de investigaciones y reflexiones sobre la planificación de infraestructura en el Perú, con el fin de contribuir al debate en el marco de la elaboración del Plan Nacional de Infraestructura Sostenible para la Competitividad. Descargar

  • Aerial view of Peruvian forest and sky.

    La sostenibilidad en la planificación nacional

    noviembre 2023

    Este documento aborda la sostenibilidad ambiental en la planificación de la infraestructura en el Perú, de modo que asegure estándares de sostenibilidad. Descargar

  • Aerial view of a Peruvian river and forest.

    Enfoque territorial en la planificación nacional

    noviembre 2023

    Este documento presenta reflexiones sobre cómo se aborda el enfoque territorial en la planificación de infraestructura en el Perú para asegurar estándares de sostenibilidad. Descargar

  • Cover of Beyond the Megawatt report.

    Beyond the Megawatt

    August 2023

    Optimizing Impact of Clean Energy Procurement: Growing Demand for Social and Environmental Outcomes

  • Cover of Power With Purpose report.

    Power With Purpose

    June 2023

    Driving Change Through Clean Energy Procurement. This case study shares the lessons learned and best practices for applying the 3C framework based on a national procurement process. The study describes the partnership between electric vehicle manufacturer Rivian and The Nature Conservancy.

  • Cover of To Trade or Not to Trade report.

    To Trade or Not to Trade

    May 2023

    Options for operationalizing corresponding adjustments under Article 6.

  • Cover of Una Receta Para el Impacto.

    Una Receta Para el Impacto

    March 2023

    Componentes clave para que las empresas impulsen un impacto medible en la salud de las cuencas hidrográficas.

  • Cover of Offsets as Ordered report.

    Offsets As Ordered

    February 2023

    The authors sought to uncover what due diligence buyers conduct when they transact carbon credits. Through this study they hope to help buyers share insights to ease the due diligence process and help buyers advocate for high quality in carbon markets. Download the report

  • Three people on a boat on a river, one person is standing looking out into the distance with binoculars.

    Bold Pathways to 2030

    May 2023

    It’s amazing what a year can bring. A global framework for nature. An inspiring array of projects and initiatives. Our “Protect” annual report has the latest. Download



  • Cover of 30x30 Coral Reef Restoration White Paper

    30x30 Coral Reef Restoration

    December 2022

    This paper reviews the role of coral reef restoration in the context of climate change and global 30 by 30 targets, arguing that while restoration should not be used as a silver-bullet in the face of global declines, it has an important role to play to deliver social and ecological goals. Download the Paper

  • Cover of REDD+ Eligibility report.

    Eligibility Requirements for REDD+ Standards

    November 2022

    This report (an update of 2021 version) provides an overview of seven REDD+ standards, as well as the sources of finance for which they are eligible. Our goal is to simplify the understanding of various standards, funding sources, and markets for REDD+ in order to facilitate access to REDD+ finance. Visit the REDD+ Standards Tool

  • Cover of Inland Water Ecosystem briefing.

    Inland Water Ecosystem Briefing

    November 2022

    Explicit inclusion of inland water ecosystems in the area-based conservation targets and indicators is critical to recover and safeguard the most threatened and least protected ecosystems and biodiversity on the planet. This briefing provides an overview of the evidence for this recommendation.

  • Cover of Pacific Coast Fisheries Diversification Report

    Pacific Coast Fisheries Diversification Framework

    October 2022

    This document can be a vital resource for communities making determinations about what kinds of fisheries activities to engage in, what kind of fisheries permit and quota assets to invest in, what kind of infrastructure investments to make, and what kind of market activities to engage in.

  • Foodscapes Acceleration Guide

    September 2022

    Swift change must come to our global food system. This guide features case studies and offers scalable solutions for a better path forward. Download

  • Text that says Natural Climate Solutions Handbook with micro shot of ferns.

    Natural Climate Solutions Handbook

    September 2022

    A technical guide for assessing nature-based mitigation opportunities in countries. More information in English

  • Cover of Natural Climate Solutions Handbook in Chinese Language.

    基于自然的 气候变化解 决方案 手册

    September 2022

    评估各国基于自然的减缓机遇 的技术指南 More information in Chinese

  • Text that says Natural Climate Solutions Handbook in French with micro shot of ferns.

    Guide des Solutions Climatiques Naturelles

    September 2022

    Guide technique pour évaluer les opportunités d’atténuation basées sur la nature dans les pays. More information in French

  • Text that says Natural Climate Solutions Handbook in Indonesian with micro shot of ferns.

    Panduan Solusi Iklim Alami Buku Pedoman

    September 2022

    Panduan Teknis untuk Menilai Peluang Mitigasi Berbasis Alam di Negara-negara More information in Indonesian

  • Text that says Natural Climate Solutions Handbook in Portuguese with micro shot of ferns.

    Manual de Soluções Climáticas Naturais

    September 2022

    Manual técnico para avaliação de oportunidades nacionais de mitigação baseada na natureza More information in Portuguese

  • Text that says Natural Climate Solutions Handbook in Spanish with micro shot of ferns.

    Manual de Soluciones Naturales al Cambio Climático

    September 2022

    Una guía técnica para evaluar las oportunidades de mitigación basadas en la naturaleza a nivel nacional More information in Spanish

  • Text that says Natural Climate Solutions Handbook in Swahili with micro shot of ferns.

    Ufumbuzi wa Hali ya Tabianchi Mwongozo

    September 2022

    Mwongozo wa Kiufundi wa Kutathmini Fursa zitokanazo na utunzaji mazingira wa katika nchi Mbalimbali More information in Swahili

  • Cover of report: Financing Nature for Water Security.

    Financing Nature for Water Security

    July 2022

    TNC and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) outline a tested process for designing, implementing and financing watershed investment programs that drive long-term water security outcomes for people and nature. More information

  • thumbnail of report with photo of hands holding acai berries

    The Bioeconomy of Pará's Socio-biodiversity

    June 2022

    Results and public policy recommendations from TNC Brazil, BID and Natura. More information

  • A Recipe for Impact

    March 2022

    Key Ingredients for Companies to Drive Measurable Impact in Watershed Health

  • Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests

    March 2022

    Severe storms can damage mangroves which deliver much-needed coastal resilience to communities. TNC, UNAM, & CINVESTAV document the threats to mangroves, techniques to restore mangroves, and costs of restoration to evaluate the potential use of mangrove insurance to protect/restore these assets.

  • Article 6 Answers to Common Questions

    January 2022

    This TNC-produced summary reflects on UNFCCC COP26 progress in setting rules for international cooperation through carbon markets, also known as “Article 6.” More information: Article 6 Answers to Common Questions

  • Bioeconomy in the State of Pará (Full Report)

    February 2022

    In the State of Pará, Brazil, the diversity of the flora contributes to the economy and keeping forests standing is more profitable than cutting them down. This is the first study of the whole value chain of biodiversity in a State.

  • Bioeconomy in the State of Pará (Exec. Summary)

    Februrary 2022

    The executive summary of the report 'Socio-biodiversity Bioeconomy in the State of Pará' Download the Executive Summary in Spanish



  • Comparative Analysis of Risks to Coral Reefs

    December 2021

    Report: Comparative Analysis of Risks Faced by the World's Coral Reefs More information: Reef Resilience Network

  • Natural Climate Solutions Handbook

    October 2021

    A technical guide for assessing nature-based mitigation opportunities in countries More information on Natural Climate Solutions

  • Foodscapes: Toward Food System Transition

    October 2021

    New ways of envisioning, managing and implementing the transitions necessary for the full-scale transformation of our global food system More information

  • The Playbook for Climate Finance

    October 2021

    The Playbook for Climate Finance presents innovative strategies that can help fund the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as adaptive measures for climate-vulnerable communities around the world. More information

  • Biodiversity Net Gain in England

    October 2021

    This paper seeks to support the development and implementation of England’s biodiversity net gain (BNG) policy. It provides a framework that can help other countries exploring biodiversity offset markets.

  • Measuring Corporate Watershed Projects

    August 2021

    This report focuses on measuring and evaluating the impact of corporate watershed projects.

  • Biodiversity Action Guide

    July 2021

    There’s no shortage of strategies available to create a nature-positive planet now—our downloadable guide shows how to translate ambition into action. Read the Feature

  • Global Risk of River Flooding

    June 2021

    New research identifies regions of greatest climate-driven river flood risk to human lives and food production globally, calling for urgent acceleration of investment in nature-based adaptation plans. Download the Executive Summary

  • Eligibility Requirements for REDD+ Standards

    June 2021

    This report provides an overview of six REDD+ standards, as well as the sources of finance for which they are eligible. Our goal is to simplify the understanding of various standards, funding sources, and markets for REDD+ in order to facilitate access to REDD+ finance.

  • The Blue Guide to Coastal Resilience

    June 2021

    This guide helps disaster risk reduction planners use nature based solutions to reduce coastal community vulnerability and exposure to climate-related disasters and increase environmental, economic, and social benefits for people. More information

  • Sustainable Water Impact Fund: 2020 Impact Report

    May 2021

    The Sustainable Water Impact Fund (SWIF) seeks to demonstrate new ways of investing in land and water assets that deliver meaningful conservation outcomes. The SWIF annual Impact Report offers investors, the conservation community, and other stakeholders insights to educate and inspire.

  • Nesting REDD+

    March 2021

    Pathways to Bridge Project and Jurisdictional Programs: This report examines current financial approaches to reduce emissions from deforestation through offsetting, and offers case studies and lessons learned to unlock more finance to protect forests in the future.

  • Benefit Accounting of NBS for Watersheds

    March 2021

    This report provides guidance on how to account for the benefits of nature-based solutions, helping users identify and account for the stacked water, carbon, and biodiversity benefits provided by these solutions and additional socio-economic benefits accrued. More information

  • The World’s Forgotten Fishes

    February 2021

    The report highlights the world’s forgotten freshwater fishes, of which one-third now face extinction. More information



  • Resilient European Cities

    December 2020

    Nature-Based Solutions for Clean Water More information

  • Food & Nature Digest

    November 2020

    Accelerating the Green Recovery: The global market analysis takes a closer look at environmental sustainability in the food, beverage and agricultural sectors. More information

  • Insurance for Natural Infrastructure

    November 2020

    Assessing the feasibility of insuring coral reefs in Florida and Hawai‘i More information

  • NDC Transparency Guidance for Developing Nations

    November 2020

    This report clarifies reporting requirements for nationally determined contributions, as defined by the Katowice Climate Package established at UNFCCC COP 24.

  • COVID-19 Response and Recovery

    October 2020

    A joint NGO policy paper outlining recommendations for COVID-19 Response and Recovery through nature-based solutions

  • Financing Nature

    September 2020

    We need $700 billion/yr to reverse the global biodiversity crisis—but we can get nearly halfway there with no new funding. This report from the Paulson Institute, The Nature Conservancy & the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability reveals 9 critical actions to close the nature funding gap. More information

  • Mapping Carbon Accumulation Potential

    September 2020

    from Global Natural Forest Regrowth (Read on Nature) More information

  • N4C: Nature-Positive Recovery

    July 2020

    A nature-positive recovery for people, economy and climate includes principles for investing in nature-based jobs and initiatives to stimulate the post-COVID economy. More information

  • Lifting Off: Analysis of Potential Carbon Offsets

    June 2020

    This report analyzes the opportunities and challenges of carbon offset credits for the international airline industry, and the role natural climate solutions can play to help reduce overall emissions. More information

  • Clean and Green Energy Pathways Report

    May 2020

    The Nature Conservancy describes six critical ways to help governments, corporations and lenders accelerate our clean energy buildout while preserving natural lands, increasing local benefits for communities, and reducing wildlife impacts. More information

  • Investing in Nature for European Water Security

    January 2020

    This report outlines a strategic vision to mobilise greater investments in nature address Europe’s outstanding water security challenges. More information

  • Private Finance for Nature-Based Resilience

    January 2020

    This report aims to capture qualitative measurement of the positive momentum being built with market-based solutions to protect and improve natural capital. More information



  • Playbook for Climate Action

    November 2019

    Five ways to spark global, multisector change for the planet right now More information

  • Guide to Including Nature in NDCs

    September 2019

    A checklist of information and accounting approaches for natural climate solutions.

  • Guide to Including Nature in NDCs: Spanish

    September 2019

    Una Guía Para Incluir La Naturaleza en Las Contribuciones Determinadas a Nivel Nacional: A checklist of information and accounting approaches for natural climate solutions [en Español]

  • June 2019

    How Agroideal is helping take food production in Brazil to a higher level of sustainability and profitability. (em português)

  • Towards a Blue Revolution

    May 2019

    A guide from TNC & Encourage Capital on impact investing in sustainable aquaculture.

  • Nature-Based Solutions in the Private Sector

    April 2019

    This white paper provides guidance to companies looking to adopt and scale nature-based solutions within their organizations.

  • Protect Source Waters: Africa

    March 2019

    Building the foundation for increasing investment in source water protection across Africa: 2019-2025

  • The Paris Agreement, Carbon Pricing & NCS

    March 2019

    This report examines natural climate solutions in the context of carbon finance, corporate investment and land sector offsets.



  • Role of Jurisdictional Tropical Forest Programs

    December 2018

    Multi-stakeholder jurisdictional programs can accelerate sustainability transitions in tropical forest landscapes. More information

  • Nature in the Urban Century

    November 2018

    A global assessment of where and how to conserve nature for biodiversity and human wellbeing. More information

  • The Science of Sustainability

    October 2018

    Exploring a unified path for development and conservation. More information

  • Soil at The Nature Conservancy

    October 2018

    A Shared Science Agenda: Priorities and Activities

  • Innovative Finance for Resilient Coasts

    October 2018

    This briefing paper, prepared in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, considers how scaled up investments in coastal areas can build up community resilience.

  • Carbon Market Incentives

    September 2018

    Soils play can play a major role climate mitigation, but they have largely been missing from carbon markets. More information

  • Catalyzing the Growth of EM in Fisheries

    September 2018

    Opportunities, barriers and recommendations for scaling electronic monitoring in fisheries.

  • June 2018

    View The Nature Conservancy's vision for a sustainable urban century. More information

  • June 2018

    The Nature Conservancy's practitioner framework to strengthen outcomes for people and nature. More Information

  • Sustainable Land Bonds

    March 2018

    Report on how governments can finance climate commitments and strengthen rural economies. More Information

  • The Business of Planting Trees

    January 2018

    A new report details some of the growing investment opportunities in restoring degraded land. More information



  • Lands of Opportunity

    November 2017

    An exploration of strategies for implementing natural climate solutions around the world. More information

  • The Path to a Safe and Sustainable Future


    An examination of how to mainstream nature-based approaches in comprehensive flood risk management.

  • Environmental Market for Stream Barrier Removal

    October 2017

    This report explores opportunities provided by existing regulatory programs in the United States to improve stream health through the removal of these barriers to aquatic connectivity. More information

  • Funding Trees for Health

    September 2017

    An analysis by The Nature Conservancy on finance and policy actions to enable tree planting for public health. More information

  • Smarter Agricultural Practices

    September 2017

    Case studies on sustainable agricultural practices around the world.

  • Global Agriculture Projects

    September 2017

    Case studies from TNC's global agriculture work.

  • The Power of Rivers: A Business Case

    May 2017

    A new report—produced in partnership with McGill University, The University of Manchester and PSR—brings decision makers a first-of-its-kind global analysis to help yield better economic, social and environmental outcomes in hydropower planning and management.

  • Assessing the Return on Investment in Watershed Conservation

    March 2017

    Study explores Brazil’s Camboriú River Watershed. Also available in Portuguese and Spanish. More information

  • The Biggest Environmental Challenges of 2017

    February 2017

    Perspectives from our global and regional leaders on the most pressing issues facing people and the planet. More information

  • State of Private Investment in Conservation

    January 2017

    Sponsored by NatureVest and JPMorgan Chase & Co., this report provides a landscape assessment of an emerging private investment market.

  • Beyond The Source

    January 2017

    New report analyzes 4,000 cities to demonstrate the health, climate and biodiversity benefits of source water protection. More information



  • Progress Report Towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

    December 2016

    New analysis shows that countries are behind in meeting goals for biodiversity conservation. More information

  • Coastal Blue Carbon Ecosystems: Opportunities for Nationally Determined Contributions

    November 2016

    Coastal countries have an opportunity to take their blue carbon ecosystems into account when considering their national level climate actions. More information

  • reThink Soil Roadmap

    November 2016

    A new report by The Nature Conservancy, supported by General Mills, quantifies the value of soil health across the croplands of the United States. More information

  • Planting Healthy Air

    October 2016

    The report shows that even a conservative global investment in urban trees can save tens of thousands of lives. More information

  • Report Cover - Strong Voices, Active Choices (2016)

    Strong Voices, Active Choices (2016)

    October 2016

    Indigenous peoples and local communities are vital leaders in the pursuit of lasting solutions to the world’s most pressing conservation and development challenges. More information

  • Water Share Report

    August 2016

    This report explores the potential for water markets and impact investment to serve as part of the solution to global water scarcity. More information

  • Sub-Saharan Africa's Urban Water Blueprint

    August 2016

    Assessing the potential for watershed conservation to benefit cities, rural livelihoods and nature across 30 large cities in Sub-Saharan Africa. More information

  • Atlas of Ocean Wealth

    June 2016

    This Atlas represents the largest collection to date of the economic, social and cultural values of coastal and marine habitats globally. More information

  • Improving Hydropower Outcomes: An Example from Myanmar

    May 2016

    This report demonstrates a framework that could be applied in Myanmar and worldwide to change the trajectory of water resource development. More information

  • China Urban Water Blueprint

    April 2016

    The China Urban Water Blueprint analyzes the state of the 135 surface water sources tapped by the country’s 30 largest and fastest growing cities. More information

  • Managing Coasts with Natural Solutions

    February 2016

    These "Guidelines for Measuring and Valuing the Coastal Protection Services of Mangroves and Coral Reefs" seek to reorient the cost-benefit analysis between built, or “gray infrastructure”, and “green infrastructure”—based on environmental processes. More information



  • Global Lands Report

    December 2015

    This report by The Nature Conservancy looks at how development and conservation can work in tandem to help society make better choices on how we use our lands. More information

  • A World at Risk: Global Development Risk Assessment

    October 2015

    A first-of-its-kind assessment identifies the most at-risk regions in the world for habitat conversion. More information

  • The Power of Rivers Report

    August 2015

    This report explores the potential for achieving balanced outcomes from hydropower development that works for people and nature. More information

  • Early Lessons from Jurisdictional REDD+

    January 2015

    This report reinforces the idea that with the appropriate investment and stakeholder support, low emissions development programs have the potential to become models of forest-friendly development around the world. More information

  • Sharing the Benefits of REDD+

    January 2015

    This report looks at the full set of opportunities to generate benefits from REDD+ for local communities and other stakeholders. More information



  • Urban Water Blueprint

    November 2014

    The Urban Water Blueprint report analyzes the state of water in cities around the world and offers cost-effective solutions to improve water quality. More information

  • Investing in Conservation: A Market Assessment

    November 2014

    This first-of-its-kind report reveals a conservation investing market of approximately $23 billion across just the last five years, and finds that investments in this space are expected to more than triple over the next five years. More information

  • Coasts at Risk

    July 2014

    An assessment of coastal risks and the role of environmental solutions. More information