

An illustration of birds, insects and leaves swirling around a tree trunk.
An Evolving Forest The Appalachians provide habitat for wildlife and plants, but climate change and other threats mean the forest must adapt, and scientists are helping. © Zoe Keller
Magazine Articles

The Future Forest

The Appalachians are a refuge for wildlife, but the world around them is changing. Scientists are researching how to make the forest more resilient.

Illustrations by Zoe Keller | Text by Kelsey Barnett-Fischels | Issue 1, 2025

Bill Finch pauses on a densely wooded hillside in The Nature Conservancy’s Sharp-Bingham Mountain Preserve in northeastern Alabama. He points out a number of tree species as though he’s sharing the names of old friends. “We have southern red oak, chestnut oak, cherry bark oak, white oak, chinquapin oak, northern red oak, scarlet oak, black oak.”

Clad in a flannel shirt, jeans and a straw hat, white hair tumbling to his shoulders, Finch nods to cedars, maples, butternuts, beeches, roughly a dozen species of oaks and the area’s once-historically expansive short-leaf pine. Nearby tower about five species of elms, all with genetics immune to the devastating Dutch elm disease, and a “weird oak” with spotted, elongated-lobed leaves that hasn’t been described as a new species in the lab—yet.

Sharp-Bingham Mountain Preserve’s 4,000 acres on the southern edge of the Cumberland Plateau is home to an impressive cache of biodiversity. About 25 years ago, TNC first began protecting land here in the rocky forests of the Paint Rock River watershed—a stretch of forests, caves and rivers that are home to rare mussels and other creatures. Since then, TNC has protected more than 40,000 acres in this watershed, removing dams on streams and reducing erosion. The result today is an intact forest with an increasingly rare high rate of biodiversity, says Keith Tassin, the deputy state director for TNC in Alabama. It’s a good spot to study a forest.

Finch leads the Paint Rock Forest Research Center, a nonprofit that’s collaborating with TNC, Alabama A&M University and a few other nearby universities to conduct a census of more than 100,000 trees on a 148-acre tract of land at the preserve. Over the next half century, researchers will map and track the development of this temperate forest in a study that is part of the Forest Global Earth Observatory, an international network of long-term forest research sites. They will re-census the trees every five years to gain a better understanding of how forests function and evolve in the face of changing conditions.

They’re investigating these questions as conservationists in the Appalachians rush to fortify these forests for the future. Often thought of as a steadfast refuge that extends well over 2,000 miles from Alabama to Newfoundland, the Appalachian Mountains—and the valleys and landscapes surrounding them—are not immune to the effects of climate change, development and global trade, and conservationists are concerned about their future. Throughout the range, overnight temperatures are averaging warmer and winter freezes are trending fewer, with a dangerous combination of longer droughts and higher-intensity rainfall. A warmer, more-energized climate is producing massive natural disasters more often—dramatically illustrated by the catastrophic amounts of water that Hurricane Helene dumped on Tennessee and North Carolina last September. And far-traveling people and goods are spreading invasive plants and pathogens. That’s not to mention the unchecked 19th- and early-20th-century logging and mining industries, large deer populations nibbling up future trees, and urban sprawl and rural development fragmenting forests. Today, less than 21% of the range is protected from construction and development.

In response, conservationists across the length and breadth of the Appalachians are working, in part, to support and encourage biodiversity—because even as biodiversity is at risk in the face of many environmental threats, it offers a way to boost the resilience of forest ecosystems and their ability to respond to new challenges.

In Alabama, where TNC is working to connect wild spaces like Sharp-Bingham to corridors linking up into the Appalachians, Finch and Tassin can both see a future in this forest. “There’s this really high biodiversity of species on the southern end of this,” Tassin says. “Those species could move north, so protecting that seed bank and base would be really critical.”

“Diversity represents our options for the future,” Finch adds. “If you’ve got an uncertain future, you want as many choices as possible.”

an illustration of a flying squirrel on a branch along with insects, mushrooms and amphibians with numbers overlayed.
an illustration of a flying squirrel on a branch along with insects, mushrooms and amphibians.
Key 1) common bonnet; 2) red wood ant; 3) arabesque orbweaver; 4) yellow patches; 5) eastern whitelip; 6) Cheat Mountain salamander; 7) dogbane leaf beetle; 8) flat-back millipede; 9) splendid earth-boring beetle; 10) carrion beetle; 11) northern slimy salamander; 12) truffle; 13) flying squirrel; 14) roots; 15) goldenrod crab spider; 16) seedlings © Zoe Keller


In the high-elevation forests of the Central and Southern Appalachians, the red spruce is king—the foundation of a regionally rare ecosystem and the key to a mutually beneficial forest relationship. Symbiotic fungi in the soil near tree roots help young red spruce grow. Flying squirrels, which soar between the spruce’s upper branches, dig for the fungi’s fruiting bodies (or truffles), eat them and deposit their spores throughout the forests, perpetuating this cycle.


Roughly 1,000 miles away in New Hampshire, near the state’s border with Maine, the forest in Green Hills Preserve faces a problem similar to those of its neighbors in the Northern Appalachians. Over the years, Jeff Lougee, director of land management for TNC in New Hampshire, has watched this transitional hardwood forest losing what little species variety it had.

In 2021, 2022 and 2023, after stubborn spring droughts, invasive spongy moth populations skyrocketed. Their caterpillars feasted on red oak, white pine and eastern hemlock leaves across nearly 160,000 acres of the state, killing mature trees and their saplings. This exacerbated a known issue: beech trees dominating some forests. And now beech forests in turn face their own pressures—bark and leaf diseases—that threaten to do away with a large portion of these forest canopies unless scientists can figure out how to help the forests recover rapidly from such large-scale impacts.

The Earth’s past climatic swings have left northeastern forests more vulnerable than those farther south. By 18,000 years ago, glaciers had smothered out life in a large portion of the United States, northward of present-day Cincinnati and Philadelphia. The Central Appalachians were spared the worst of the ice ages but resembled a tundra—frigid and dry, with slopes dominated by boreal forest. Parts of the Southeast, though, tempered by the Gulf of Mexico, remained warmer and wetter. It was there that life survived.

“Everything was packed into the Southeast, and every time those glaciers retreated, species moved north,” Finch says.

An illustration of a fox and other wildlife in a northern hardwoods habitat.
© Zoe Keller


In New Hampshire, scientists are testing ways to diversify beech-dominated forests. They fell some trees to let more light hit the forest floor and establish shade-intolerant species. They also plant some trees that may be better adapted to a future climate. Amid the fallen trees in these experimental plots, a host of flora and fauna take root and refuge in the newly decaying matter.

The varied oak, pine, hardwood and spruce forests that repopulated the North had a high tolerance to cold. But because there was a small number of hardy pioneers that could survive a newly available environment, some species lacked genetic diversity. Without this variation coded across their genes, species have fewer chances to adapt to changes—something they need now as the climate goes a bit haywire and diseases spread more rapidly.

Lougee’s team has partnered with the University of Vermont, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, and Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science to set up a forest management experiment in 1,300 of the 5,500-plus acres of Green Hills. They strategically cut down trees to open up the forest canopy, which encourages a greater diversity of shade-intolerant species, such as oak and pine, to fill in. The team leaves behind some large felled trees to support diversity as wood decays and pushes over dead trees to create “tip-up mounds,” which create microclimates for a range of organisms.

The team is also planting a variety of tree species, some of which they’ve culled from regions farther south. The process, known as “forest-assisted migration,” has at times been a controversial method, generating debates among conservationists about how much to intervene on nature’s behalf and what unknown consequences may ensue.

Quote: Heather Furman

The diversity of people and wildlife throughout the Appalachians is unlike any other on the planet.

Heather Furman TNC Appalachians Program director

Researchers hope that future resilient forests will be able to more rapidly recover from climate-driven threats on their own. Many of today’s plants and animals must head northward or to higher elevations (or both) to survive as their habitats change, and the Appalachians offer a natural highway to do so. Some species’ ranges in the eastern U.S. have even been reported moving an average of 6 miles north and 7 miles west per decade since the 1980s. During periods of intense climate change in Earth’s past, plants and animals had a greater ability to trek across landscapes than they do today. Now, the range is fragmented by cities, roads and other human-made blockades. More troubling, the pace of change is unprecedented, making it challenging for life such as trees, which grow in specialized conditions and have limited control of seed dispersal, to keep pace.

Lougee’s team is expanding the northern range of some select saplings in their experimental plot. “The idea here is not to [cut down and] replant the future forest,” Lougee says, “but really just get a few species established that can be a source of seeds in the future.”

The project started in 2023, so there are few results yet. But Lougee’s team has its eyes trained ahead as it tests how conservationists and forest managers can support diverse forests in the Northern Appalachians that can better adapt to the future climate. And as the plight of the tree species that repopulated the Northern Appalachians shows, diversity isn’t just about a greater variety of many species—it’s also important to encourage genetic diversity within individual species so some might have a chance to endure the changes to come.

An illustration of a hawk, birds and a bat perching or flying around a hemlock branch.
© Zoe Keller


More than 100 species rely on the mighty hemlock forests—including many birds and bats in migration corridors like Pennsylvania—but a fast-moving microscopic invasive pest called the hemlock woolly adelgid threatens their survival. In a warming world, invasive pests with few predators can spread rapidly. In some places, land managers must rely on pesticides to battle pests like the adelgid.


Farther south, in the central Appalachians of West Virginia, among steep hillsides of lush forest, conservationists have been focused on restoring a keystone species that’s struggled to rebound after loggers in the late 1800s and early 1900s felled swaths of these elevated giants: red spruce.

Because this species is the backbone of entire ecosystems in the Central Appalachians, “having more red spruce forests across its historic range adds to the biodiversity of the whole [Central Appalachian] region,” says Katy Shallows, the forest restoration manager for TNC’s Appalachians Program. If Shallows’ teams can restore red spruce, they have a chance of building resilient ecosystems.

Until recently, identifying what, exactly, makes a forest resilient could be challenging. Starting around 2019, Jean Lorber, a forest ecologist for TNC in Virginia, noticed his peers at TNC and government agencies talking about resiliency—but all with different meanings. Lorber wanted to collaborate on a shared definition of resiliency in Central Appalachian forests for TNC’s teams to work toward together. With Shallows and a small team, he built a scoring framework to rate forest resiliency in landscapes identified as potential havens for biodiversity.

By looking at the degree of biodiversity, ecological function and adaptive capacity in each location, Lorber’s team graded major forest communities in the Central Appalachians and identified the greatest issues facing these forests. His team is now using this work to guide on-the-ground conservation.

an illustration of various amphibians and insects atop a fall leaf with numbers overlaid.
an illustration of various amphibians and insects atop a fall leaf.
Key 1) wood frog; 2) fringed diving beetle; 3) wood frog eggs; 4) rosy maple moth; 5) Blue Ridge two-lined salamander; 6) northern red oak; 7) striped fishing spider; 8) red-legged salamander; 9) Southern Appalachian salamander; 10) spotted salamander; 11) Blue Ridge dusky salamander © Zoe Keller


The Southern Appalachians are the most biodiverse region in the world for amphibians. Numerous frog and salamander species—some extremely rare—rely on these tracts of land where vernal pools, or temporary ponds, host breeding grounds each spring. Conservationists are working to ensure the diversity of trees in the oak-hickory forests of this region by using controlled burns and other methods to reduce faster-growing poplars and other trees that crowd and shade out the mighty oaks.


“We all inherently know the variability of ecosystems within just the Central Appalachians,” Lorber says. “But here’s a chance to use the same filter of climate resilience to look at different ecosystems’ strengths and weaknesses. That could begin to guide the type of work we prioritize.”

For red spruce forests, this framework highlights their lower biodiversity and climate-adaptive capacity as risks for climate resilience. But, as is true for humans, even a single species like red spruce can have a range of genetic diversity. Shallows’ team is now drawing on that potential diversity within red spruce to increase the resilience of the region’s forests.

In partnership with researchers at the University of Vermont and Central Appalachian Spruce Restoration Initiative, Shallows’ team has been planting a genetically diverse stock of red spruce seedlings nearly every year since 2019, primarily on public lands like the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia and the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area in Virginia. The foresters intentionally select seed stock from sites with greater genetic diversity to enhance its climate-adaptive capacity—and give it a greater chance of survival—at restoration sites. And University of Maryland researchers have built a computer model to identify ideal seed sources from different ranges and regions in another aspect of assisted migration called “assisted gene flow.” This model looks at the future climate period, the estimated greenhouse gas emission level and location details like latitude and elevation to pinpoint seed stock that can likely survive in altered future conditions.

Shallows’ team plants a combination of these seedlings, knowing some individuals may thrive and some may fail, with hopes that the ecosystem as a whole survives and adapts over time.  

Climate predictions, Shallows says, point to the region becoming drier and hotter overall, but it’s not known how seasonal rainfall patterns will change. “Plants will need to adapt to increased variability in their environment,” she says. “So, what we’re trying to do is buffer the system as best we can for all the unknown factors.”

Quote: Bill Finch

If we lose this, we lose the future of our eastern forests.

Founding Director, Paint Rock Forest Research Center

It’s hard to predict something as complex as a forest’s future. In New Hampshire, Lougee waits to see which seedlings take advantage of the opportunities his team is creating, to build a shield of diversity in the northeast overstory. In the Central Appalachians, Shallows’ team looks out at millions of red spruce seedlings with varying genetics, trying to envision the towering giants that could survive hundreds of years from now. In Alabama, Finch tries to imagine the possibility of decades ahead when the heat- and pathogen-resistant individuals of the Southeast’s forests have once again wandered northward, some with a helping hand, filling in the holes left by the ghosts of today’s trees.

On the census plot at Sharp-Bingham Mountain Preserve in Alabama, no woody stub larger in diameter than a pencil goes unnoticed by Finch. He’s seen how beech trees distribute themselves in distinct seams and how water flowing in the cave systems below pops up unexpectedly throughout the forest, piecing together the deep connections of an ecosystem. And, he admits, he feels uneasy about the fate of our forests as development, invasives and other threats continue to encroach on our natural areas.

“If we lose this,” Finch says, indicating the stash of biodiversity around us, “we lose the future of our eastern forests.”

Yet at one point in the forest census plot, Finch had pointed out signs of past human disturbance from some hundred years ago. The expansive crown structure of a multihundred-year-old white oak suggested that a portion of the forest around it had once been cleared, likely for a small holding of corn and grazing. The now-robust forest around Finch is not pristine. But in the aftermath of human disruption, with the right seed stock and a functioning forest system and protections in place, the forest was able to survive, rebound and now thrive. It’s a glimpse of what resilient ecosystems are capable of.

About the Creators

Kelsey Barnett-Fischels is a writer based in Huntsville, Alabama, whose work focuses on biodiversity and the environment.

Zoe Keller is an artist based in upstate New York who uses graphite, digital media and other forms to illustrate at-risk species and vanishing ecosystems.