Building a Resilient Future: Our Campaign Impact
Over the past five years, you've helped create a thriving world in New York and beyond.

From Executive Director, Bill Ulfelder
Our Impact Together
Thanks to your generous leadership, The Nature Conservancy completed our historic Our World Campaign—an unprecedented 5-year investment to tackle climate change and conserve healthy lands, waters and oceans, in New York and across the globe. The campaign enabled science-driven, collaborative pathways to promote renewable energy, secure clean water and conserve healthy landscapes, so that all of nature—humanity included—can thrive, now and into the future.
Looking back, we invested in nature to improve flood resilience in shoreline communities and restore natural water flows in Lake Ontario and in streams across the state. Working with leaders and communities, we secured breakthrough legislation to fast-track New York’s goal to reach 100% renewable-energy electricity by 2040 and to combat nitrogen pollution in Long Island’s coastal waters. And we restored decimated fish populations, attracting record numbers of whales and dolphins back to New York waters. Even in this extremely challenging final year of the campaign, we seized opportunities to create a better future, safeguarding the unparalleled 14,600-acre Follensby landscape in the Adirondacks and launching a tree stewardship initiative in New York City.
Thanks to New Yorkers like you, these solutions are scaling to the Caribbean, India and around the world. With your help, we are building a resilient, equitable and vibrant future, at home and throughout the globe.
Looking ahead, we are working to secure state funds for the environment to make New York safer, healthier and more prosperous. Our community-based partnerships are improving equitable access to nature, in New York City and beyond. And our science-based approach is advancing clean energy and climate resilience as part of New York’s economic recovery.
Together, we can make a difference for generations to come.
With profound appreciation,
Bill Ulfelder
Executive Director, The Nature Conservancy in New York
Member, Global Executive Council
From Board Chair 2018-2020, Jim Attwood
New York Leading
As Chair of the New York Board from 2018-2020, I was inspired to witness the profound impacts The Nature Conservancy has achieved in and beyond New York, and I thank you for your remarkable leadership and generosity.
In New York, the Conservancy is setting a global example of how science and nature are our most powerful allies in the fight against climate change. We are innovating ways to build out wind and solar facilities without harming lands, oceans, wildlife and communities to accelerate the much-needed growth of renewable energy, in the Empire State and beyond. We advanced nature’s vast capacity to absorb carbon emissions, and ramped up efforts with landowners, partner organizations and agencies to protect forests across New York, North America and around the world. And working with communities and leaders, we supported climate progress in dozens of states and are building common ground at the national level.
The success of the Our World Campaign sets a formidable benchmark for what we can achieve, in New York and as New York. Your partnership is critical. Thank you for all you do to help create a thriving and resilient world.
Jim Attwood
Chair, New York Board of Trustees, 2018-2020

Our Mission
The Nature Conservancy works to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. If we act now, nature can thrive and so can we. With partners around the world, we are tackling climate change and securing healthy lands, waters and oceans. With nature, we can build a healthier, more equitable and resilient world for future generations. The world we depend on depends on us. Thank you for being a part of it.

Our Unprecedented Investment in the Future
Thanks to you, the Conservancy has completed an historic campaign for conservation and climate action, raising more than $8 billion in public and private funding for urgent work around the world. In New York, we surpassed our goal of $300 million, secured $385 million in outright gifts and planned giving, and raised $3 million in impact investing—an innovative way to leverage revenue for transformative projects. This outstanding support propelled bold work to tackle climate change and conserve healthy lands, waters, and oceans. In New York, we secured nation-leading clean energy legislation, conserved prime forests and marshes from Long Island to the Adirondacks, and unlocked unprecedented funding for clean water. Globally, New Yorkers helped conserve coral reefs and oceans from the Caribbean to the Seychelles, safeguard vast landscapes from Mongolia to Belize, and launch freshwater solutions in Africa and Australia. And in New York City and cities elsewhere, we worked to create greener, more equitable places where future generations can thrive. With science, policy, and the dedication of our supporters, we are addressing the world’s toughest challenges. But much work lies ahead, and building a resilient future depends on all of us.
- Daniel C. Chung, Chair, Our World Campaign New York

Why Us, Why Now
With more than 4,000 conservationists and hundreds of partner organizations worldwide, The Nature Conservancy is forging lasting solutions for the planet. With science as our cornerstone, we are unlocking the power of nature to tackle climate change and sustain healthy lands, waters and communities. The Conservancy in New York leads on financial innovations and bold policies to: expand renewable energy and regrow forests; restore lakes and coastal habitats; and empower greener, more equitable and resilient cities. Together, we have impact at a global scale and can build a thriving world for future generations.
- Susannah Smetana Kagan, Chair, New York Board of Trustees, 2021-2023
With Thanks to All our Supporters
You've helped make a difference in New York and beyond!