

Places We Protect

Vandell Preserve at Cumberland Marsh


Two women in a canoe paddle through open water at the edge of a marsh. Two kayakers float ahead of them. The bright blue sky is filled with high puffy white clouds.
Cumberland Marsh Canoeing along Cumberland Marsh © Daniel White / TNC

Enjoy views of the marsh from an accessible boardwalk.



Purchased in 1993, Vandell Preserve at Cumberland Marsh is a mixture of freshwater tidal marsh and wooded upland. Located on the southern bank of the Pamunkey River and situated along the Atlantic Flyway, the preserve provides important migratory and wintering habitat for waterfowl. It also has the world's largest population of the rare sensitive joint-vetch (Aeschynomene virginica), a member of the pea family listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act.

The nearest launch site for paddle craft is four miles downstream at the Whites Landing (Lestor Manor) ramp, just downstream of the Pamunkey reservation.

Paddlers are encouraged to plan trips in accordance with tidal currents, which can be very strong along this section of the river.

A set of river maps can be ordered from the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers Association at

Check out recent species observed at Vandell Preserve at Cumberland Marsh on iNaturalist



Please note: dogs are not allowed at this preserve.


Open from dawn to dusk.

Wheelchair Accessible

Enjoy views of the marsh from an accessible boardwalk.


Hiking, birding, accessible boardwalk


1,094 acres

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  • Bald eagles, ospreys, great blue herons, and egrets; wintering populations of black ducks, wood ducks, mallards and Canada geese.

  • Cumberland Marsh has one trail and one boardwalk open to visitors. There is a gravel parking area with roughly 5 parking spots and no accessible parking spot. The boardwalk is about 100 feet away from the parking area. The path from the parking area to the boardwalk is made of crushed gravel and is about 3 ft wide with a 0% grade slope.

    The boardwalk itself is about 4 ft wide and is made of wood, but has a metal mesh covering parts of the rotting wood to make the boardwalk stable. The boardwalk is in two sections that each have a slope of grade of 8% and 11%. There is a short ramp leading up to the boardwalk and it leads to a viewpoint with a bench that is 21 inches high.

    The loop trail is roughly 4 miles long and begins in an open field with a grassy/plant material underfoot for less than a mile before it goes under the tree canopy and is comprised of leaf litter. The loop trail has a typical trail width of 32 inches, with a minimum width of 17 inches. The typical slope of the trail is 2%, with a maximum of 12%, and has a typical cross slope of 2.1% and a maximum cross slope of 28.7%.

    Off of the loop trail, there is a scenic overlook that shows a view of the marsh. It is a short spur trail that has a big dip to get to the overlook and has a bench that is 27 inches high.

    • Length of trail network: 3.9 miles
    • Shortest Distance to Viewpoint: 0.09 miles
    • Surface Type: Plants and Leaf Litter
    • Typical and Minimum Trail Width: 32 inches, 17 inches
    • Typical and Maximum Slope: 2%, 12%
    • Typical and Maximum Cross Slope: 2.1%, 28.7% 

    Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMDs): The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations address the use of wheelchairs and “Other Power Driven Mobility Devices” (“OPDMDs) by persons with mobility disabilities. These rules apply to “public accommodations” which include TNC properties that are open to the public. The regulations provide that with regard to “public accommodations” persons with mobility disabilities are entitled to:

    1. Use wheelchairs and manually powered mobility aids (canes, walkers, etc.) in areas that are open to pedestrian use. A “Wheelchair” includes a manually operated device or power-driven device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor or both indoor or outdoor locomotion.

    2. Use OPDMDs if the landowner can make “reasonable modifications to its practices to accommodate them.”

Cumberland Marsh

An accessible boardwalk and observation deck on the marsh offers views of a wide variety of bird species, including bald eagles.

A large wooden sign welcomes visitors to Cumberland Marsh. A dirt lane curves off the right past a field of tall corn.
Preserve visitor kiosk. The large wooden message board is protected by an overhanging shingled roof.
Close up view of a small yellow blossom with a bright red center. The plant is growing in a wetland. The view of the marsh and open water behind the flower is blurred.
A wooden boardwalk offers a straight path over the marsh and deeper into the woods.
 A wooden boardwalk ends at an observation deck offering unobstructed views of the marsh. Open water curves around thick wetland vegetation and a tall stand of trees.
The rising sun peeks over the horizon at the edge of a farm field. A sign kiosk in the foreground welcomes visitors to Cumberland Marsh.
Sunrise and Soybeans Sunrise over farm field and parking area, Vandell Preserve at Cumberland Marsh, near New Kent, Virginia. © Daniel White/TNC

Get Involved

Preserve Volunteer Program

Virginia's Preserve Volunteer Community Program provides a vital service to help us maintain and monitor our public preserves across the state.

How can you get involved?

  • Community Members—become involved with a preserve without committing time to stewardship work. Receive periodic updates about the preserve and special events.
  • Preserve Stewards—visit Cumberland Marsh at least 4 times a year to assess trail and preserve conditions and perform basic trail maintenance by removing fallen branches and overgrown vegetation.
  • Preserve Leaders—demonstrated commitment to the preserve and willingness to take on additional responsibilities like managing communication & scheduling, leading workdays and guiding naturalist hikes.

Please contact to receive further information.

Download the Cumberland Marsh Volunteer Program handbook to learn more.

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