Effective Climate Action in Oregon
TNC in Oregon advocates for a strong carbon pricing program that includes these core principles.
Addressing climate change by reducing emissions, increasing carbon sequestration and improving ecosystem and community resilience are top priorities for The Nature Conservancy in Oregon and around the world. We advocate for passage of a strong carbon pricing program in Oregon as an important element of a comprehensive approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and consider the following as key characteristics of an effective program:
Makes significant reductions in carbon emissions through an efficient, economy-wide program
A carbon pricing bill should contain a declining cap on emissions, with few exemptions, that is tied to a 2035 interim goal and a 2050 target based on best available science. A declining cap creates certainty that emissions will be reduced, and the trading mechanism and offsets provide regulated entities with options for meeting their compliance obligations. Revenue generated by the program can be invested in additional emission reduction and sequestration practices and strategies for adapting to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Ensuring that the program is administrable and efficient both lowers costs and maximizes investments that will help meet the state’s carbon reduction goals.
Allows participation in regional greenhouse gas emissions reduction programs
Joining with other jurisdictions’ carbon markets will allow Oregon to take advantage of systems that have already been developed and reduce administrative costs, while increasing the size of the carbon market – allowing Oregon’s businesses to access a broader marketplace.
Invests in natural & working lands
Climate change will have severe impacts on rural businesses and communities that depend on natural and working lands. Dedicating a percentage of the funds generated by the program to help offset emissions and build resilience through natural and working land practices can increase carbon stores while improving our natural resource economy.
Protects low income and other climate-impacted Oregonians and communities
Low income Oregonians, communities of color, and rural communities will be disproportionately impacted by climate change. The program's design should take into account those least able to bear cost impacts and allocate a substantial portion of investments to benefit impacted communities.
The Time to Act is Now
Add your voice to the 7 out of 10 Oregonians who support a Cap-and-Invest Policy and take a small step that will make a big difference in the fight against climate change.