

Stories in Colorado

2023 Year in Review

Purple wildflowers growing in a grass valley with mountains and a pink sunset in the background.
Lupine Colorado's peak wildflower season near Crested Butte, Colorado. © Ethan Herrold/TNC Photo Contest 2019
Headshot of Carlos Fernandez, Colorado State Director.
Carlos Fernandez Carlos Fernandez, TNC in Colorado's State Director. © Lauryn Wachs

Letter From Our State Director Carlos Fernández

Dear Friends,

The science is clear that we must act now to halt catastrophic climate change and biodiversity loss. What we do between now and 2030 will determine our future.

So much can occur in a single lifetime. Three-quarters of the carbon dioxide emissions driven by humans have occurred since 1950. We have seen a nearly 70% decline of birds, amphibians, mammals, fish and reptiles globally since just 1970.

While these changes to our planet have happened rapidly, we know that we also have the power to act quickly for positive change. Together, we can find a way to a brighter future.

I’m proud to share the following stories of how The Nature Conservancy’s work in Colorado is helping make that change. Our approach reflects decades of learning and refining, and the special role TNC can play side-by-side with partners, communities and decision-makers across the state.

We are leveraging our work to have broader impact, including through forest and fire management collaboratives and water projects in Southwest Colorado that will restore river flows for threatened fish and ecosystems. Through it all, we are building on our legacy of conservation and evolving and expanding our approach to better reflect the perspectives and needs of more Coloradans.

Although the challenges may seem daunting, we are increasing the speed and scale of our work to meet them. For example, through our Catalyst Fund, we supported six innovative projects in Colorado that led to new partnerships and big impacts—just in the first year of funding!

You are key to making this all happen. Your support powers our work to make a difference for people and nature. Thanks to you, we can continue to build the strategies and partnerships that create lasting change for Colorado.

Colorado Successes