This preserve includes a sweeping expanse of tidal marsh, salt flats and bayous along the mouth of the Fowl River at the southern tip of Mon Louis Island. Located in the Grand Bay Savanna project area in southern Mobile County, this preserve is home to rare and exotic birds. The tidal stream and open waters provide shelter for the young of dozens of marine fishes and other sea life. The coastal waters give life to many animals.
How to Visit
The site is inaccessible to visitors and can only be seen by boat. If you would like more information, e-mail
The site is primarily composed of brackish marsh. Common plant species include black needle rush, saltmarsh cord grass, groundsel tree, wax myrtle, slash pine, sea oxeye, and saltmarsh elder.
Many beautiful birds live in Dennis Cove, including Clapper rails, Osprey, American egret, Louisiana heron, Brown pelican and many others. Alligators live in the coastal waters, and it is believed that the rare and secretive Mississippi diamondback terrapin and Gulf salt marsh snakes live here as well.