

Places We Protect

Bradley-Sunkhaze Preserve


view of water and grasses with trees beyond.
Bradley-Sunkhaze Preserve Wetlands provide habitat for wading birds and ducks. © Phoebe Parker

A forested preserve that provides important wildlife habitats and hiking trails for visitors



The Nature Conservancy’s 12,710-acre Bradley-Sunkhaze Preserve lies between the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge and Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands’ Bradley Unit, creating a 33,472-acre conservation area. 

This forested preserve is dominated by a mix of evergreens, including white pine, red pine, northern white cedar, balsam fir and eastern hemlock. Titcomb Brook and Birch Stream are the two major stream systems flowing through the preserve—all draining to the Penobscot River.

Forty-two species of breeding birds have been documented on the preserve; most notably gray jay, black-billed cuckoo, boreal chickadee and Canada warbler. A series of wetland areas provide almost 1,800 acres of habitat for waterfowl and wading birds.  

The preserve is managed as an ecological reserve, where the forest is shaped by natural process such as wind, ice and other weather events.  

This forest is conserved and cared for thanks to the assistance of TD Bank and The Nature Conservancy of Canada as part of the TD Forests Program.




Sunrise to sunset


Almost 7 miles of trails makes this a great place to hike.


12,710 acres

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Your Visit

  • Two parking areas provide access to hiking trails at the preserve. With a total of almost 7 miles of trails, there are seveal oportunities for loop hikes. Stream crossings do not have bridges and are often impassable, so plan accordingly.

    Trail Map

  • Thank you for doing your part to help us protect the natural resources found at Bradley-Sunkhaze!

    Please stay on trails and do not pick or remove plants, flowers or trees.

    To avoid disturbing the natural inhabitants, dogs, horses and other domestic animals are not permitted.

    Please carry out all trash and belongings.

    The preserve is open for day use only. Camping, fires and smoking are not permitted.

    To protect the unique landscape, and so that all visitors may enjoy this area, motorized vehicles and equipment are not permitted except snowmobiles on the state-sanctioned and maintained trail.

Scenes from the Preserve

A hike in Bradley-Sunkhaze brings visitors past flowing streams and recovering wooded sections.

Water cascades over rocks in a forest.
Red flowers grow out of a stream with dense foliage on its edges.
A damselfly and a dragonfly rest on branches in a stream.
Water flows over rocks and beneath a canopy of green trees.
Fiddlehead ferns start to open beside a stream.

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TNC owns nearly 1,500 preserves covering more than 2.5 million acres across all 50 states. These lands protect wildlife and natural systems, serve as living laboratories for innovative science and connect people to the natural world.

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