The 2025 State Legislative Session Begins
Delivering on our Commitments in a Season of Change
The Washington State Capitol springs to life this week with the kick-off of the 2025 legislative session. The marble hallways will have a few new faces as well. A new governor is sworn in this week, along with a slew of new leaders assuming their posts inside the legislature and state agencies.
Since it’s an odd year, the Legislature will meet for 105 days (called a long session) to craft a two-year budget for our state. Join along with us as we advocate for policies and investments to build an equitable and resilient future for communities, lands, and waters in Washington.
The Climate Commitment Act continues to be at the core of our work. The Climate Commitment Act (CCA) is Washington’s main tool to reduce carbon emissions and support ecosystems and communities in addressing climate change. Washingtonians resoundingly voted to retain this law last November. As we return to Olympia this legislative session, TNC will continue to advocate for strong implementation so we can deliver on the promise of the CCA: To rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and get resources on-the-ground into the communities who most feel the impacts of the climate crisis.
Let’s take a closer look at our other priorities for this legislative session:
Honor the 2030 Funding Commitment to Forest Health and Wildfire Funding
Back in 2021, the Legislature pledged $500 million over the subsequent eight years ($125M per biennium) to tackle the intertwined crises of declining forest health and increasing wildfires. We’ve already seen great progress from these investments. TNC and our partners are helping to get these funds on the ground in the Central Cascades, where we are testing innovative practices to make forests more resilient to wildfire using selective tree thinning, tree mastication, and prescribed fires. This $500 million commitment is critical for making communities with a high wildfire risk safer by protecting homes and structures, making the forest healthier and less susceptible to extreme wildfires, and building capacity locally to respond to fires.
We will be advocating this legislative session to ensure we keep up the momentum with another $1.25M investment toward that $500M commitment to protect lives, communities, and ecosystems.
Accelerate the Deployment of Clean Energy Projects
To meet state goals and future energy demands, Washington needs to rapidly accelerate the deployment of clean energy infrastructure. How the State sites, scales, and revives clean energy infrastructure is critical. Our research shows that it is possible to build the level of clean energy infrastructure needed while balancing community needs, upholding Tribal sovereignty, and protecting critical habitats and ecosystems. We will be advocating for legislation that can help speed up clean energy development while maintaining a 3 C’s Approach – Communities, Climate, and Conservation.
Establishing a Prescribed Fire Claims Fund
Since time immemorial Indigenous Peoples have used beneficial forest fires to maintain the health of the forest as they steward their lands. The practice of controlled, prescribed burns today is a key tool to restore forest health and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. One of the biggest barriers to getting more “good fire” on the ground is liability risk. The potential financial burden associated with an escapement has repeatedly deterred practitioners from conducting prescribed burns.
We are advocating to create a state-funded claims fund that would provide some initial liability coverage in the rare instance of an escapement despite the burn team going through all the qualifications, permits, and due diligence. This is based off recent legislation passed in California and Oregon, and other states are considering similar policies as well.
Commitment to Partnership
So much of what we do happens in partnership, and we are deeply committed to the shared priorities of the legislative coalitions we engage in. You can learn more about these priorities and opportunities to get involved here:
- Environmental Priorities Coalition
- WA Association of Land Trusts
- WA Wildlife & Recreation Coalition
- BlueGreen Alliance
- WA Prescribed Fire Council
Advocate with Us!
Washington leads on the national stage for climate action. We have an important role to play in our corner of the world to advance ambitious and equity-centered climate policies that care for the earth and future generations. We are grateful to count on thoughtful and effective partners and advocates like you. Please follow along for opportunities to plug in throughout the legislative session, and let’s get to work!
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