The Legacy newsletter is created twice annually for some of The Nature Conservancy's most dedicated supporters, including Legacy Club members. If you have questions about The Legacy Club or this newsletter, please contact our team at

Nature Briefs
Invasive trees will be burned and used to absorb pollution from Hawai‘i’s 2023 wildfires, and rivers will be freed by multiple dam removals in Kentucky.

Flushing Out the Problem
When clam populations in Long Island’s Great South Bay began to decline, TNC scientists uncovered an unpleasant cause: cesspools and septic systems. But decades of hard work and a recent policy win are turning the tide.
Newsletter Article Archive
Explore more on-the-ground conservation success stories from around the globe.
A Legacy for People and Nature
Few aspirations are nobler than wanting to leave the world a better place. We are honored and inspired by the thousands of incredible supporters who joined The Legacy Club by including The Nature Conservancy in their estate plans.