

Places We Protect

Mount Holly Marsh Preserve

Mount Holly Marsh Preserve

Mountain Laurel on rocks.
Mount Holly Marsh - mountain laurel Encircled Mountain Laurel by Red Blueberry,Fall color at The Nature Conservancy's Bear Rocks Preserve in West Virginia. High above Canaan Valley, in Dolly Sods, where a flat, windswept expanse of subalpine heath barrens opens up to the sky. Stunted red spruce, ancient bogs and forlorn boulders define this haunting landscape, where creatures typically found in more northern environs roam oblivious to their geologic isolation. The Nature Conservancy’s 477-acre Bear Rocks Preserve is a cornerstone of this wonderfully diverse and complex ecosystem, which lies on a ridge crest that forms part of the Eastern Continental Divide. © Kent Mason

This mini-wilderness serves both as a sanctuary and living laboratory for many communities.