

Places We Protect

Fraser Preserve


A yellow and green trail blaze is nailed to the trunk of a tree. Three people are walking along the forested trail in the background.
Fraser Preserve Explore the many natural habitats found in the Piedmont region. © Glenna Goldman / TNC

Explore Fraser Preserve while enjoying more than two miles of easy trails.



A short hike through Fraser Preserve offers glimpses of the many natural habitats found in the Piedmont region, including fast, clear streams, lush cold-spring swamp, marsh, mature hardwood forests, open meadow, ponds, river and stream floodplain forests and thickets, steep rocky bluffs, springs and seeps and various stages of old field succession.

The terrain slopes down to the Potomac River, which forms the preserve's northern boundary.

Check out recent species observed at Fraser Preserve on iNaturalist.



Note: dogs are not allowed at this preserve.


Daily dawn to dusk


220 acres

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Fraser Preserve (2:02) Enjoy a green oasis of nature right in metropolitan DC's backyard.


  • The preserve features approximately 2.25 miles of gravel and dirt walking trails. 

    Hike options include an entrance road and a loop within the preserve, and you can extend your hike by continuing beyond the preserve's eastern and western boundaries onto connecting public trails maintained by the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority

    The entrance road is about 0.75 miles one way and is a wide gravel road that leads to the loop trail. It has some potholes that could be difficult to navigate for users of a mobility device. The road is 110 inches (about 9 feet) wide but gets to a narrow passable spot of 36 inches due to potholes and gullies. The typical cross slope is 3.8% and the maximum is 19.9%. The typical run slope is 4% and the maximum is 17%. 

    The loop trail is a 1.2-mile dirt loop designed for pedestrian use. The loop is much narrower than the entrance road, with a typical width of 28 inches and a minimum of 14 inches. There are some steep uphill sections, but it is relatively flat overall. The typical slope is a 4% grade and the maximum is 20%. Old trees have been buried over time and are now part of the trail in some spaces, creating a step that may be challenging to some. The typical cross slope of the loop trail is 2.8% and the maximum is 20%. 

    The preserve shares land with a church camp, so please be respectful of their facilities. There are no bathrooms designated for the preserve. 



    What to See: Animals

    Among the mammals known to live here are the mole, Eastern chipmunk, gray squirrel, woodchuck, skunk, raccoon, white-tailed deer, fox and beaver.

    Fraser's many amphibian species include the Southern leopard frog, spring peeper, gray tree frog, American toad, two-lined salamander and Northern red-backed salamander.

    About 110 bird species, including 39 nesting species and the bald eagle, have been documented at Fraser. Among the nesting birds are the red-shouldered hawk, ruby-throated hummingbird, downy woodpecker, scarlet tanager and blue-gray gnatcatcher.

    What to See: Plants

    The tremendous variety of wildflowers at Fraser may be directly attributed to its diverse habitats. About 300 species of wildflowers have been identified in the preserve. Of special interest are the following unusual or rare species: purple cress, marsh marigold, purple fringeless orchis, false (white) hellebore and poison hemlock.

  • The Nature Conservancy’s preserves are set aside to protect natural plant and animal communities. We invite you to experience and enjoy preserves where we provide public access, but remember that every visitor has an impact. Please follow our visitation guidelines to protect yourself and nature.

    • Preserves are open to the public during daylight hours. 
    • Passive recreation such as walking, bird watching and photography is welcomed. 

     The following activities are not allowed:

    • Pets are prohibited unless otherwise noted. Service animals are welcome. Please visit Places We Protect to confirm the policy at each preserve. 
    • Picking flowers, mushrooms, etc.
    • Removing rocks or other parts of the landscape
    • Smoking
    • Camping
    • Fires or cookouts
    • Driving motorized vehicles, including ATV’s, except on designated access roads
    • Biking, except at Brownsville Preserve
    • Fishing, trapping or hunting, except as otherwise posted
    • Horseback riding
    • Feeding wildlife
    • Releasing animals or introducing plants
    • Disposing of trash or other waste, including biodegradable materials

    To minimize your impact, we ask that you please also observe the following:

    • Stay on trails
    • Avoid walking in wet, boggy areas
    • Inspect pant legs and shoes to remove seeds before entering and when leaving the preserve. Failure to do so could introduce invasive weeds to new locations.
    • If you flush a ground nesting bird, stop and avoid walking near the nest area
    • Observe all posted signs
    • Please do not remove stakes, signs, flagging, tape or similar objects. These may be markers for a research project.
    • Please do not trespass on private property adjacent to preserves

    For your own comfort and enjoyment, come prepared. Wear comfortable shoes for hiking, pack rain gear, and wear long pants with socks over them to protect yourself from ticks and poison ivy. Always remember to bring water, as dehydration is a serious year-round threat.

    If you observe any illegal activity on a preserve such as ATV use, do not confront the offenders yourself. However, do feel free to call local law enforcement.

  • Entrance road:

    • Length of trail network: 1.2 miles round trip
    • Surface Type: Gravel
    • Typical and Minimum Trail Width: 105 inches, 110 inches
    • Typical and Maximum Slope: 6%, 17%
    • Typical and Maximum Cross Slope: 3.8%, 19.9%

    Loop trail:

    • Length of trail network: 1 mile
    • Surface Type: Unimproved
    • Typical and Minimum Trail Width: 28 inches, 14 inches
    • Typical and Maximum Slope: 4%, 20%
    • Typical and Maximum Cross Slope: 2.8%, 20.8%

    Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMDs): The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations address the use of wheelchairs and “Other Power Driven Mobility Devices” (“OPDMDs) by persons with mobility disabilities. These rules apply to “public accommodations” which include TNC properties that are open to the public. The regulations provide that with regard to “public accommodations” persons with mobility disabilities are entitled to:

    1. Use wheelchairs and manually powered mobility aids (canes, walkers, etc.) in areas that are open to pedestrian use. A “Wheelchair” includes a manually operated device or power-driven device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor or both indoor or outdoor locomotion.

    2. Use OPDMDs if the landowner can make “reasonable modifications to its practices to accommodate them.”

A yellow and black butterfly sits on an orange flower.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) © Lauren Peeler Brice

Fraser Preserve History

Fraser Preserve was acquired in 1975 as a gift from Mrs. George (Bernice) Fraser. Originally inhabited by members of the Anacostan, Piscataway and Tauxenent tribes, the bottomlands along Fraser's river border have yielded many arrowheads, pottery shards and stone weirs (dams used in taking fish from the Potomac). American University has extensively studied these historic sites.

The area now known as Fraser Preserve was once part of a tract of 5 million acres granted by King Charles I in 1649 to seven nobleman friends. In 1710, the land was passed on to the Fairfax family and eventually to Thomas Lee, the first of the famous Virginia Lees. Wheat farming prevailed in the area from about 1790 to 1840, and the tract likely was farmed until agriculture began to decline in Fairfax County following World War I.

A wide, flat river flow between tree lined banks.
Fraser Preserve Beautiful eastern hardwood forest and lush marshes that overlook the Potomac River. © Tom Hamilton

Get Involved

Preserve Volunteer Program

Virginia's Preserve Volunteer Community Program provides a vital service to help us maintain and monitor our public preserves across the state.

How can you get involved?

  • Community Members—become involved with a preserve without committing time to stewardship work. Receive periodic updates about the preserve and special events.
  • Preserve Stewards—visit Fraser Preserve at least 4 times a year to assess trail and preserve conditions and perform basic trail maintenance by removing fallen branches and overgrown vegetation.
  • Preserve Leaders—demonstrated commitment to the preserve and willingness to take on additional responsibilities like managing communication & scheduling, leading workdays and guiding naturalist hikes.

Email to learn how you can help and become a part of the program.

Download the Fraser Preserve Volunteer Program handbook to learn more.

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