We’re excited to announce the winners of the 2019 Photo Contest. This year’s photo contest received a record number of submissions from more than 150 countries. We thank everyone who entered or voted, and we look forward to your participation again next year.
Grand Prize Winner
Tyler Schiffman - United States

"I was diving the break wall in Monterey Bay and this week in particular had over 40 foot vis for 3 days straight. I had been shooting kelp bursts all day as the light was exploding amongst the canopy above. I had framed this shot waiting for a sea lion to swim by. After 5 minutes, one swam up and paused for a few seconds, I took 3 photos and as rare as it was the moment left in a blink of an eye."
People's Choice Winner
Diyanto Sarira - Indonesia

First Place, Wildlife
Fernando O’Farrill - Mexico
Second Place, Wildlife
Raymond Hennessy - United States
Third Place, Wildlife
Yaron Schmid - United States

Honorable Mention, Wildlife
José David Altamirano González - Costa Rica
Honorable Mention, Wildlife
Giuseppe Bonali - Italy
"Three bridesmaids, so we call them, in Italy shooting after a storm. I found them very close, with patience I managed to put them on the same level of fire."
Honorable Mention, Wildlife
Sebastian Di Domenico - Colombia

"Picture taken in a small waterfall in Sumaco National Park in Ecuador where several hummingbirds where sleeping together."
First Place, People in Nature
Le Van Vinh - Vietnam
Second Place, People in Nature
Fabio Teixeira - Brazil

Third Place, People in Nature
Apratim Pal - India
Honorable Mention, People in Nature
Giovani Cordioli - Brazil
Honorable Mention, People in Nature
Anskar Lenzen - Germany

Honorable Mention, People in Nature
Ted Somerville - United States

First Place, Cities and Nature
Jay Huang - United States

Second Place, Cities and Nature
Yevhen Samuchenko - Ukraine

Third Place, Cities and Nature
Robert Potts - United States

Honorable Mention, Cities and Nature
Tsz Ho Tse - Hong Kong

First Place, Water
Alex Kydd - Australia

Second Place, Water
Hao Jiang - United States

Third Place, Water
Alex Kydd, Australia

Honorable Mention, Water
Barbara Rot - Slovenia
Honorable Mention, Water
Michael Gallagher - United Kingdom

First Place, Landscape
Colin Ronald - Austria

"On the last day of a 5-day ski tour in Slovenia, we finally found ourselves above the clouds, able to see something other than fog for the first time in the entire trip. Sam takes first tracks as he skis back towards the fog with which we had become all to familiar."
Second Place, Landscape
Leigh Miller - Australia

Third Place, Landscape
Guilherme Gomes de Mesquita - Brazil
Honorable Mention, Landscape
Carlos Eduardo Goulart

"It was a very, very stormy night. When at dawn I decided to face the wind and the cold and look at what’s out there, I saw it from the door of my tent."
Honorable Mention, Landscape
Victor Grilo Lima - Brazil

Honorable Mention, Landscape
Florian LeDoux - France
Honorable Mention, Landscape
José David Altamirano González - Costa Rica