Our Science

Council of External Science Advisors

Ensuring cutting-edge science and strategic guidance for TNC's conservation goals.

a calm river with red rock mountains in the background.
Clouds above Colorado River Buttermilk clouds above Colorado River at Sorrel River Ranch in Utah. © Tom Till

The Nature Conservancy is the world's largest conservation organization, dedicated to addressing the climate and biodiversity crises in over 80 countries. With a staff of more than 6,000, including nearly 1,000 scientists supported by the One Conservancy Science (OCS) program, TNC emphasizes the importance of investing in and enhancing the quality, diversity, and consistency of its scientific endeavors.

The OCS program connects and integrates TNC's global science staff to optimize innovation, amplify research impact, and build capacity and connections, driving progress toward the organization's 2030 goals.

In late 2024, TNC established the Council of External Science Advisors (CESA) for the OCS program. The CESA ensures TNC's science aligns with the latest advancements, providing independent oversight and guidance on critical topics. This council shapes the next phase of the OCS program and serves as a vital resource for TNC's leadership and science teams.

The council’s 10 inaugural members encompasses a range of disciplines, geographies, demographics, and sectors. Current members are listed below.

Council of External Science Advisors Members