Sara J. Gottlieb
Southern Appalachians Freshwater Director
Atlanta, Georgia

Sara Gottlieb Sara Gottlieb, Director of Freshwater Science & Strategy, The Nature Conservancy, Georgia. © Cara Byington / The Nature Conservancy
Areas of Expertise
freshwater conservation, aquatic connectivity, conservation planning, fisheries, GIS
Email: sgottlieb@tnc.orgBiography
Sara is the Southern Appalachians Freshwater Director. She has been with The Nature Conservancy since 2007, initially in the Georgia Chapter as Conservation Information Manager, Conservation Planner, and Director of Freshwater Science & Strategy. Sara is currently focused on advancing strategies in the Southern Appalachians to improve habitat for the outstanding aquatic biodiversity found in the region while balancing the needs of human communities for resilient watersheds and recreational opportunities.
Sara is the North America Eastern Division Franchise Co-Lead for the Conservation Coaches Network and Co-Lead of the Georgia Aquatic Connectivity Team. From 1999-2005, she was a Principal Investigator and data manager on multiple projects to monitor federally endangered species of fish in the Rio Grande in New Mexico and San Juan River in Colorado and Utah.
During graduate school, Sara was a National Sea Grant College Marine Policy Fellow in the Office of Congressman Steven LaTourette of Ohio where she helped to coordinate the bipartisan Great Lakes Task Force. Sara holds a B.S. in Environmental Science from The College of William and Mary in Virginia and a M.S. in Marine-Estuarine Environmental Sciences from The University of Maryland at College Park.