Our People

Rob Cunningham

Resilient Watershed Programme Director, Europe

Cambridge, England

Headshot of Rob Cunningham.

Rob Cunningham TNC’s Resilient Watershed Programme Director for Europe. © The Fotoshop

Areas of Expertise

Utility regulation, nutrient pollution, water resources, flood management, nature-based solutions




Rob Cunningham is TNC’s Resilient Watershed Programme Director for Europe, a role that involves developing programmes that deliver nature-based solutions (NBS) at scale to address water-security issues faced by utilities, businesses and communities. His time is split between delivering TNCs priority projects in Norfolk (England) and developing new partnerships in Europe.

Rob studied environmental science, and his career has focused on the practice, policy and economics of water quality and water resource management in the UK and Europe. Prior to joining TNC, he worked for NGOs, regulators and utilities—always championing investment in nature-based solutions and conservation initiatives for the benefit of people and biodiversity.

When he’s not working, Rob likes to lose himself cycling or go messing around on the River Cam with his wife and kids.

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