Philip A. Loring
Global Director, Human Dimensions Science

Philip A. Loring Philip A. Loring headshot © TNC
Areas of Expertise
food systems, fisheries, sustainability, transformation, storytelling
Phil Loring is the inaugural Global Director, Human Dimensions Science for The Nature Conservancy’s Global Science Team. He helps ensure that TNC’s science and practice incorporates attention to social and cultural dimensions of environmental problems and elevates local voices in the development and implementation of solutions. He is a trained anthropologist and experienced storyteller and is passionate about using his craft to help communities build food systems and livelihoods that are more sustainable, healthful, and just. Known most for his work in fisheries, Phil has also led research projects on topics related to agriculture, conflict, and climate change adaptation in the Arctic.
An avid science communicator, Phil creates stories in a variety of forms, from academic papers to film to public speaking, including this TedX talk about environmental leadership. He has published over 60 peer review articles in a wide array of natural and social science journals. His book, Finding Our Niche: Toward a Restorative Human Ecology, won two awards for environmental non-fiction. He has also produced and hosted multiple podcasts, including “The Second Transition”, which features conversations with experts, activists, and visionaries from around the world about opportunities for a radically changed future where people and nature thrive together.