Melissa Brito
Co-Director of Regenerative Food Systems
Washington, D.C.

Melissa Brito Co-Director, Regenerative Food Systems © TNC
Areas of Expertise
Food systems, land conversion, deforestation, agricultural commodities
Melissa Brito has over a decade of experience in managing conservation projects and
building strategies related to sustainable agriculture in Latin America. In her current
role at The Nature Conservancy as Co-Director of Regenerative Food Systems,
Melissa provides strategic oversight of TNC’s portfolio of work to halt habitat loss
and reduce emissions from commodities production, primarily beef and soy in South
America. She is an advocate for constructive, pragmatic approaches and solutions that
bridge the perceived gap between conservation and economic development. She is
motivated by opportunities to support decision-makers who can shift paradigms and
change the economic equation for producers and corporations to choose a better path
for the planet.
Brito received her education at the University of Tennessee with a Master of Science
in international agricultural economics and a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and
international agricultural economics. She lived and traveled throughout Brazil for 16
years before returning to the Washington, D.C., area in 2024, where she currently