Anna Kottkamp-Hoard
Science and Conservation Specialist

Anna Kottkamp-Hoard Science and Conservation Specialist for The Nature Conservancy in Washington. © Hannah Letinich
Area of Expertise
Soil Carbon Dynamics, Freshwater Wetlands
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As a Science and Conservation Specialist with The Nature Conservancy, I advance our team’s science work through our partnership with the University of Washington and through research on landscape-scale changes over space and time. I hold a M.S. degree from the University of Maryland where I studied soil carbon dynamics in freshwater wetlands, examining the often-fuzzy edges where forests become wetlands. My ecological research career has taken me to varied landscapes all at the forefront of environmental change—from the agricultural streams of Indiana to Minnesota’s wild rice lakes and carbon-rich peatlands—and I am excited to bring the teachings of those places back to the vast and beautiful sagebrush landscapes of my hometown in eastern Washington.
As a former science teacher, I also enjoy connecting with people around science in the places that are most important to them. When I’m not at work, I enjoy hiking, communal art projects, and tearing out my lawn to make room for native plants.