Unlocking the Potential of Nature in Climate Action Planning for Hong Kong
Explore the transformative potential of nature-based solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation
What are Nature-Based Solutions?
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are actions that address societal challenges, such as climate change and disaster risk, by protecting, sustainably managing, and restoring natural or modified ecosystems (IUCN 2016).
Aside from reducing climate- related disaster risk, NbS can enhance biodiversity, increase the productivity of agriculture and fisheries, and support human health and well-being. Additionally, NbS tend to be more cost-effective than built infrastructure while delivering the same—or better—outcomes.
Embracing Nature, Empowering the Planet
Science shows that—combined with cutting fossil-fuel use and accelerating renewable energy—nature-based solutions can help us avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
Nature-based solutions, also known as natural climate solutions, offer immediate and cost-effective ways to tackle the climate crisis while also addressing biodiversity loss and supporting human health and livelihoods. They are actions to protect, better manage and restore nature to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store carbon.
As a leading global conservation organization, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) collaborates with scientists, community members, businesses and governments to design and implement innovative solutions to address issues such as biodiversity loss, freshwater management, air and water pollution and climate change.
In 2017, TNC led a landmark study that showed how nature-based solutions to protect, better manage, and restore forests, grasslands and wetlands could contribute up to a third of the emissions reductions we need to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Our groundbreaking study found that nature-based solutions can provide up to one-third of the mitigation needed by 2030 to keep global temperatures livable.

Hong Kong's Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Forum
In 2023, TNC organized the Nature-Based Solution for Climate Forum in Hong Kong and brought together a range of stakeholders, including government agencies, urban planners, engineers and ecology experts, to share compelling case studies, best practices and innovative science on nature-based solutions. Over 90 participants attended in-person, and the forum provided a platform for stakeholders to delve into the transformative potential of nature-based solutions and their role in climate mitigation and adaptation.
Nature-based solutions for the Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong
In 2024, The Nature Conservancy in Hong Kong and Civic Exchange jointly released a report titled “Unlocking the Potential of Nature in Climate Action – A Report on Hong Kong’s Nature-based Solutions”.
This report highlights the interconnection between climate change and biodiversity loss, and explores the transformative potential of nature-based solutions to help Hong Kong achieve its climate goals. This includes actions such as conserving, restoring and effectively managing ecosystems that can remove carbon from the atmosphere and increase coastal resilience, while simultaneously benefiting biodiversity and human well-being. The report also serves as a primer for the Hong Kong government, businesses and civil society, providing guidance for initiating nature-based solutions in Hong Kong.
Unlocking the Potential of Nature in Climate Action
A Report on Hong Kong’s Nature-based Solutions
We have years—not decades—to address the interconnected crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Nature-based solutions have the potential to assist Hong Kong in both adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change and everyone has a role to play.
Nature-based solutions can provide up to one-third of the mitigation needed by 2030 to keep global temperatures livable.