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Neighbors of Nature

TNC hosts a free community event to appreciate our neighbors and local landowners around the Land of the Swamp White Oak Preserve.

TNC staff speaking at group at Land of the Swampe White Oak Preserve


Event Overview

The Nature Conservancy in Iowa hosts this free community event to show appreciation for our neighbors, local landowners, and land managers, specifically those living around the Land of the Swamp White Oak Preserve. This is a great opportunity to connect with others in the community, meet TNC staff, learn about our work, and discuss local issues and opportunities all over delicious desserts and refreshments. Several brief presentations from our Land of the Swamp White Oak area staff will start at 7:00 pm, with the rest of the event dedicated to networking and socializing.


Please RSVP by contacting Carissa Shoemaker at 515-419-9123 or